James, by the grace of God [King
of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith;] to all
to whom [these pres-ents shall come,] greeting. Whereas at the humble suite
of divers and sundry our lovinge subjects, aswell adventurers as planters
of the First Colonie in Virginia, and for the propagacion of Christian
religion and reclayminge of people barbarous to civilitie and humanitie,
we have by our lettres patent bearing date at Westminster the three and
twentieth daie of May in the seaventh yeare of our raigne of England, Frannce
and Ireland, and the twoe and fortieth of Scotland, given and grannted
unto them, that they and all suche and soe manie of our loving subjects
as shold from time to time for ever after be joyned with them as planters
or adventurers in the said plantacion, and their succes-sors for ever,
shold be one body politique incorporated by the name of The Treasorer and
Planters of the Cittie of London for the First Colonie in Virginia;
And whereas allsoe for the greater
good and benefitt of the said Companie and for the better furnishing and
establishing of the said plantacion we did further [give], grannte and
con-firme by our said lettres patent unto the said Treasorer and Com-panie
and their successors for ever, all those landes, contries and territories
scituate, lyeing and being in that part of America called Virginia, from
the point of land called Cape [or] Pointe Comfort all along the seacoste
to the northward twoe hundred miles, and from the said point of Cape Comfort
all along the seacoste to the sowthward twoe hundred miles, and all the
space and circuit of land lying from the sea coste of the precinct afore-said
up or into the land throughout from sea to sea, west and northwest, and
allso all the islandes lying within one hundred miles along the coast of
both the seas of the precinct aforsaid, with diverse other grannts, liberties,
franchises, preheminences, privileges, profiitts, benefitts, and commodities,
grannted in and by our said lettres patent to the said Tresorer and Companie,
and their successors, for ever:
Now for asmuchas we are given to
undestande that in these seas adjoyning to the said coast of Virginia and
without the com- passe of those twoe hundred miles by us soe grannted unto
the said Treasurer and Companie as aforesaid, and yet not farr dis- tant
from the said Colony in Virginia, there are or may be divers islandes lying
desolate and uninhabited, some of which are al- ready made knowne and discovered
by the industry, travell, and expences of the said Company, and others
allsoe are sup-posed to be and remaine as yet unknowen and undiscovered,
all and every of which itt maie importe the said Colony both in safety
and pollecy of trade to populate and plant, in regard where of, aswell
for the preventing of perill as for the better comodity and prosperity
of the said Colony, they have bin hum-ble suitors unto us that we wold
be pleased to grannt unto them an inlardgement of our said former lettres
patent, aswell for a more ample extent of their limitts and territories
into the seas adjoyning to and uppon the coast of Virginia as allsoe for
some other matters and articles concerning the better government of the
said Company and Collony, in which point our said former lettres patents
doe not extende soe farre as time and experience hath found to be needfull
and convenient:
We, therefore, tendring the good
and happy successe of the said plantacion both in respect of the generall
weale of humane society as in respect of the good of our owne estate and
kinge- domes, and being willing to give furtherannt untoall good meanes
that may advannce the benefitt of the said Company and which maie secure
the safety of our loving subjects, planted in our said Colony under the
favour and proteccion of God Almighty and of our royall power and authority,
have therefore of our especiall grace, certein knowledge and mere mocion,
given, grannted and confirmed, and for us, our heires and successors we
doe by theis presents, give, grannt and confirme unto the said Treasurer
and Company of Adventurers and Planters of the said Citty of London for
the First Colony in Virginia, and to their heires and successors for ever,
all and singuler the said iselandes [whatsoever] scituat and being in anie
part of the said ocean bordering upon the coast of our said First Colony
in Vir-ginia and being within three hundred leagues of anie the partes
hertofore grannted to the said Treasorer and Company in our said former
lettres patents as aforesaid, and being within or be-tweene the one and
fortie and thirty degrees of Northerly lati-tude, together with all and
singuler [soils] landes, groundes, havens, ports, rivers, waters, fishinges,
mines and mineralls, as-well royal mines of gold and silver as other mines
and mineralls, perles, precious stones, quarries, and all and singuler
other com- modities, jurisdiccions, royalties, priviledges, franchises
and pre-heminences, both within the said tract of lande uppon the maine
and allso within the said iselandes and seas adjoyning, whatso-ever, and
thereunto or there abouts both by sea and land being or scituat; and which,
by our lettres patents, we maie or cann grannt and in as ample manner and
sort as we or anie our noble progenitors have heretofore grannted to anie
person or persons or to anie Companie, bodie politique or corporate or
to any ad-venturer or adventurers, undertaker or undertakers of anie dis-coveries,
plantacions or traffique, of, in, or into anie foreigne parts whatsoever,
and in as lardge and ample manner as if the same were herein particularly
named, mencioned and expressed: pro-vided allwaies that the said iselandes
or anie the premisses herein mencioned and by theis presents intended and
meant to be grannted be not already actually possessed or inhabited by
anie other Christian prince or estate, nor be within the bounds, limitts
or territories of the Northerne Colonie, hertofore by us grannted to be
planted by divers of our loving subjects in the northpartes of Virginia.
To have and to hold, possesse and injoie all and singuler the said iselandes
in the said ocean seas soe lying and bordering uppon the coast or coasts
of the territories of the said First Colony in Virginia as aforesaid, with
all and singuler the said soiles, landes and groundes and all and singular
other the premisses heretofore by theis presents grannted, or mencioned
to be grannted, to them, the said Treasurer and Companie of Adventurers
and Planters of the Cittie of London for the First Colonie in Virginia,
and to their heires, successors and assignes for ever, to the sole and
proper use and behoofe of them, the said Treasurer and Companie and their
heires, successores and as-signes for ever; to be holden of us, our heires
and successors as of our mannor of Eastgreenwich, in free and common soccage
and not in capite, yealding and paying therefore, to us, our heires and
successors, the fifte part of the oare of all gold and silver which shalbe
there gotten, had or obteined for all manner of services, whatsoever.
And further our will and pleasure
is, and we doe by theis presents grannt and confirme for the good and welfare
of the said plantacion, and that posterity maie hereafter knowe whoe have
adventured and not bin sparing of their purses in such a noble and generous
accion for the generall good of theire cuntrie, and at the request and
with the consent of the Companie afore said, that our trusty and welbeloved
George, Lord Archbishopp of Canterbury
Gilbert, Earle of Shrewsberry
Mary, Countesse of Shrewes
Elizabeth, Countesse of Derby
Margarett, Countesse of Comberland
Henry, Earle of Huntingdon
Edward, Earle of Beddford
Lucy, Countesse of Bedford
Marie, Countesse of Pembroke
Richard, Earle of Clanrickard
Lady Elizabeth Graie
William, Lord Viscount Crambome
William, Lord Bishopp of Duresme
Henry, Lord Bishopp of Worceter
John, Lord Bishopp of Oxonford
William, Lord Pagett
Dudley, Lord North
Franncis, Lord Norries
William, Lord Knollis
John, Lord Harrington
Robert, Lord Spencer
Edward, Lord Denny
William, Lord Cavendishe
James, Lord Hay
Elianor, Lady Cave [Carre]
Maistres Elizabeth Scott, widdow
Edward Sackvill, Esquier
Sir Henry Nevill, of Aburgavenny, Knight
Sir Robert Riche, Knight
Sir John Harrington, Knight
Sir Raphe Wimwood, Knight
Sir John Graie, Knight
Sir Henry Riche, Knight
Sir Henry Wotton, Knight
Peregrine Berly, Esquier [Berty]
Sir Edward Phelipps, Knight, Maister of the Rolls
Sir Moile Finche, Knight
Sir Thomas Mansell, Knight
Sir John St. John, Knight
Sir Richard Spencer, Knight
Sir Franncis Barrington, Knight
Sir George Carie of Devonshire, Knight
Sir William Twisden, Knight
Sir John Leveson, Knight
Sir Thomas Walsingham, Knight
Sir Edward Care, Knight
Sir Arthure Manwaringe, Knight
Sir Thomas Jermyn, Knight
Sir Valentine Knightley, Knight
Sir John Dodderidge, Knight
Sir John Hungerford, Knight
Sir John Stradling, Knight
Sir John Bourchidd, Knight [Bourchier]
Sir John Bennett, Knight
Sir Samuel Leonard, Knight
Sir Franncis Goodwin, Knight
Sir Wareham St. Legier, Knight
Sir James Scudamore, Knight
Sir Thomas Mildmaie, Knight
Sir Percivall Harte, Knight
Sir Percivall Willoughby, Knight
Sir Franncis Leigh, Knight
Sir Henry Goodere, Knight
Sir John Cutt, Knight
Sir James Parrett, Knight
Sir William Craven, Knight
Sir John Sammes, Knight
Sir Carey Raleigh, Knight
Sir William Maynard, Knight
Sir Edmund Bowyer, Knight
Sir William Cornewallis, Knight
Sir Thomas Beomont, Knight
Sir Thomas Cunningsby, Knight
Sir Henry Beddingfeild, Knight
Sir David Murray, Knight
Sir William Poole, Knight
Sir William Throgmorton, Knight
Sir Thomas Grantham, Knight
Sir Thomas Stewkley, Knight
Sir Edward Heron, Knight
Sir Ralph Shelten, Knight
Sir Lewes Thesam, Knight
Sir Walter Aston, Knight
Sir Thomas Denton, Knight
Sir Ewstace Hart, Knight
Sir John Ogle, Knight
Sir Thomas Dale, Knight
Sir William Boulstrod, Knight
Sir William Fleetwood, Knight
Sir John Acland, Knight
Sir John Hanham, Knight
Sir Roberte Meller, Knight [Millor]
Sir Thomas Wilford, Knight
Sir William Lower, Knight
Sir Thomas Lerdes, Knight [Leedes]
Sir Franncis Barneham, Knight
Sir Walter Chate, Knight
Sir Thomas Tracy, Knight
Sir Marmaduke Darrell, Knight
Sir William Harrys, Knight
Sir Thomas Gerrand, Knight
Sir Peter Freetchvile, Knight
Sir Richard Trevor, Knight
Sir Amias Bamfeild
Sir William Smith of Essex, Knight
Sir Thomas Hewett, Knight
Sir Richard Smith, Knight
Sir John Heyward, Knight
Sir Christopher Harris, Knight
Sir John Pettus, Knight
Sir William Strode, Knight
Sir Thomas Harfleet, Knight
Sir Walter Vaughan, Knight
Sir William Herrick, Knight
Sir Samuell Saltonstall, Knight
Sir Richard Cooper, Knight
Sir Henry Fane, Knight
Sir Franncis Egiok, Knight
Sir Robert Edolph, Knight
Sir Arthure Harries, Knight
Sir George Huntley, Knight
Sir George Chute, Knight
Sir Robert Leigh, Knight
Sir Richard Lovelace, Knight
Sir William Lovelace, Knight
Sir Robert Yaxley, Knight
Sir Franncis Wortley, Knight
Sir Franncis Heiborne, Knight
Sir Guy Palme, Knight
Sir Richard Bingley, Knight
Sir Ambrose Turvill, Knight
Sir Nicholas Stoddard, Knight
Sir William Gree, Knight
Sir Walter Coverte, Knight
Sir Thomas Eversfeild, Knight
Sir Nicholas Parker, Knight
Sir Edward Culpeper, Knight
Sir William Ayliffe, Knight, and
Sir John Keile, Knight
Doctor George Mountaine, Dean of Westminster
Lawrence Bohan, Docktor in Phisick
Anthony Hinton, Doctor in Phisick
John Pawlett
Arthure Ingram
Anthony Irby
John Weld
John Walter
John Harris
Anthony Dyott
William Ravenscrofte
Thomas Warre
William Hackwill
Lawrence Hide
Nicholas Hide
Thomas Stevens
Franncis Tate
Thomas Coventry
John Hare
Robert Askwith
George Sanndys
Franncis Jones
Thomas Wentworth
Henry Cromewell
John Arundell
John Culpeper
John Hoskins
Walter Fitz Williams
Walter Kirkham
William Roscarrock
Richard Carmerdon
Edward Carne
Thomas Merry
Nicholas Lichfeild
John Middleton
John Smithe, and
Thomas Smith, the sonnes of Sir Thomas Smith
Peter Franke
George Gerrand
Gregory Sprynte
John Drake
Roger Puleston
Oliver Nicholas
Richard Nunnington [Monyngton]
John Vaughan
John Evelin
Lamorock Stradling
John Riddall
John Kettleby
Warren Townsend
Lionell Cranfeild
Edward Salter
William Litton
Humfrey May
George Thorpe
Henry Sandys, and
Edwin Sandys, the sonnes of Sir Edwin Sandys
Thomas Conway
Captaine Owen Gwinn
Captaine Giles Hawkridge
Edward Dyer
Richard Connock
Benjamin Brand
Richard Leigh, and
Thomas Pelham, Esquiers
Thomas Digges, and
John Digges, Esquiers, the sonnes of Sir Dudley Diggs,
Franncis Bradley
Richard Buckminster [Buck]
Franncis Burley
John Procter
Thomas Frake, thelder, and
Henry Freake, thelder, Ministers of God's word
The mayor and citizens of Chichester
The mayor and jurates of Dover
The bailiffs, burgesses and comonalty of Ipswich
The mayor and comunalty of Lyme Regis
The mayor and comonalty of Sandwich
The wardens, assistants and companie of the Trinity House
Thomas Martin
Franncis Smaleman
Augustine Steward
Richard Tomlins
Humfrey Jobson
John Legate
Robert Backley [Barkley]
John Crowe
Edward Backley [Barkley]
William Flett [Fleet]
Henry Wolstenholme
Edmund Alleyn
George Tucker
Franncis Glanville
Thomas Gouge
John Evelin
William Hall
John Smithe
George Samms
John Robinson
William Tucker
John Wolstenholme, and Henry Wolstenholme, sonnes of
John Wolstenholme, Esquier
William Hodges
Jonathan Mattall [Nuttall]
Phinees Pett
Captaine John Kinge
Captaine William Beck
Giles Alington
Franncis Heiton, and
Samuell Holliland, gentleman
Richard Chamberlaine
George Chamberlaine
Hewett Staper
Humfrey Handford
Raph Freeman
George Twinhoe [Swinhoe]
Richard Pigott
Elias Roberts
Roger Harris
Devereux Wogan
Edward Baber
William Greenewell
Thomas Stilles
Nicholas Hooker
Robert Garsett
Thomas Cordell
William Bright
John Reynold
Peter Bartley
John Willett
Humfry Smithe
Roger Dye
Nicholas Leate
Thomas Wale
Lewes Tate
Humfrey Merrett
Roberte Peake
Powell Isaackson
Sebastian Viccars
Jarvis Mundes
Richard Wamer
Gresham Hogan Warner
Daniell Deruley
Andrew Troughton
William Barrett
Thomas Hodges
John Downes
Richard Harper
Thomas Foxall
William Haselden
James Harrison
William Burrell
John Hodsall
Richard Fisborne
John Miller
Edward Cooke
Richard Hall, marchaunt
Richard Hall, ankersmith
John Delbridge
Richard Francklin
Edmund Scott
John Britten
Robert Stratt
Edmund Pond
Edward James
Robert Bell
Richard Herne
William Ferrers
William Millett
Anthony Abdy
Roberte Gore
Benjamin Decrow
Henry Tunbedey [Timberly]
Humfrey Basse
Abraham Speckart
Richard Moorer
William Compton
Richard Poulsoune [Pontsonne]
William Wolaston
John Desmont, clothier [Beomont]
Alexannder Childe
William Fald, fishmonger
Franncis Baldwin
John Jones, marchant
Thomas Plomer
Edward Plomer, marchants
John Stoickden
Robert Tindall
Peter Erundell
Ruben Bourne
Thomas Hampton, and
Franncis Carter, citizens of London,
whoe since our said last lettres
patent are become adventurers and have joined themselves with the former
adventurers and planters of the said Companie and societie, shall from
hence-forth be reputed, deemed and taken to be and shalbe brethren and
free members of the Companie and shall and maie, respect-ively, and according
to the proportion and value of their severall adventures, have, hold and
enjoie all suche interest, right, title, priviledges, preheminences, liberties,
franchises, immunities, profitts and commodities whatsoever in as lardge,
ample and beneficiall manner to all intents, construccions and purposes
as anie other adventures nominated and expressed in anie our former lettres
patent, or anie of them have or maie have by force and vertue of theis
presents, or anie our former lettres patent whatsoever.
And we are further pleased and we
doe by theis presents grannt and confirm that
Phillipp, Earle of Montgomery
William, Lord Paget
Sir John Harrington, Knight
Sir William Cavendish, Knight
Sir John Sammes, Knight
Sir Samuell Sandys, Knight
Sir Thomas Freke, Knight
Sir William St. John, Knight
Sir Richard Grobham, Knight
Sir Thomas Dale, Knight
Sir Cavalliero Maycott, Knight
Richard Martin, Esquier
John Bingley, Esquier
Thomas Watson, Esquier, and
Arthure Ingram, Esquier,
whome the said Treasurer and Companie
have, since the said [last] lettres patent, nominated and sett downe as
worthy and discreete persons fitt to serve us as Counsellors, to be of
our Counsell for the said plantacion, shalbe reputed, deemed and taken
as persons of our said Councell for the said First Colonie in such manner
and sort to all intents and purposes as those whoe have bin formerly ellected
and nominated as our Coun-sellors for that Colonie and whose names have
bin or are incerted and expressed in our said former lettres patent.
And we doe hereby ordaine and grannt
by theis presents that the said Treasurer and Companie of Adventurers and
Planters, aforesaid, shall and maie, once everie weeke or oftener at their
pleasure, hold and keepe a court and assembly for the better ordening [ordering]
and government of the said plantacion and such thinges as shall concerne
the same; and that anie five per- sons of the said Counsell for the said
First Collonie in Virginia, for the time being, of which Companie the Treasurer
or his deputie allwaies to be one, and the nomber of fifteene others at
the least of the generality of the said Companie assembled together in
such court or assembly in such manner as is and hath bin heretofore used
and accustomed, shalbe said, taken, held and reputed to be and shalbe a
full and sufficient court of the said Companie for the handling, ordring
and dispatching of all such casuall and particuler occurrences and accidentall
mat-ters of lesse consequence and waight, as shall from time to time happen,
touching and concerning the said plantacion.
And that, nevertheles, for the handling,
ordring and disposing of matters and affaires of great waight and importance
and such as shall or maie in anie sort concerne the weale publike and generall
good of the said Companie and plantacion as namely, the manner of government
from time to time to be used, the ordring and disposing of the said possessions
and the setling and establish-ing of a trade there, or such like, there
shalbe held and kept everie yeare uppon the last Wednesdaie save one of
Hillary, Easter, Trinity and Michaelmas termes, for ever, one great, generall
and solemne assembly, which fower severall assemblies shalbe stiled and
called The Fower Great and Generall Courts of the Counsell and Companie
of Adventurers for Virginia; in all and every of which said great and generall
Courts soe assem-bled our will and pleasure is and we doe, for us, our
heires and successors forever, give and grannt to the said Treasurer and
Companie and their successors for ever by theis presents, that they, the
said Treasurer and Companie or the greater nomber of them soe assembled,
shall and maie have full power and authoritie from time to time and att
all times hereafter to ellect and choose discreet persons to be of our
[said] Counsell for the said First Colonie in Virginia and to nominate
and appoint such officers as theie shall thinke fitt and requisit for the
government, managing, ordring and dispatching of the affaires of the said
Companie; and shall likewise have full power and authority to ordaine and
make such lawes and ordinances for the good and wellfare of the said plantacion
as to them from time to time shalbe thought requisite and meete: soe allwaies
as the same be not contrary to the lawes and statutes of this our realme
of England; and shall in like manner have power and authority to expulse,
disfranchise and putt out of and from their said Companie and societie
for ever all and everie such person and persons as having either promised
or subscribed their names to become adventurers to the said plantacion
of the said First Colonie in Virginia, or having bin nominated for adventurers
in theis or anie our lettres patent or having bin otherwise admitted and
nominated to be of the said Companie, have nevertheles either not putt
in anie adventure [at] all for and towards the said plantacion or els have
refused and neglected, or shall refuse and neglect, to bringe in his or
their adventure by word or writing promised within sixe monthes after the
same shalbe soe payable and due.
And wheras the failing and nonpaiment
of such monies as have bin promised in adventure for the advanncement of
the said plantacion hath bin often by experience found to be dann-gerous
and prejudiciall to the same and much to have hindred the progresse and
proceeding of the said plantacion; and for that itt seemeth to us a thing
reasonable that such persons as by their handwriting have engaged themselves
for the payment of their adventures, and afterwards neglecting their faith
and promise, shold be compellable to make good and kepe the same; therefore
our will and pleasure is that in anie suite or suites comenced or to be
comenced in anie of our courts att Westminster, or els- where, by the said
Treasurer and Companie or otherwise against anie such persons, that our
judges for the time being both in our Court of Channcerie and at the common
lawe doe favour and further the said suits soe farre forth as law and equitie
will in anie wise suffer and permitt.
And we doe, for us, our heires and
successors, further give and grannt to the said Tresorer and Companie,
and their successors for ever, that theie, the said Tresorer and Companie
or the greater part of them for the time being, so in a full and generall
court assembled as aforesaid shall and maie, from time to time and att
all times hereafter, for ever, ellect, choose and permitt into their Company
and society anie person or persons, as well straungers and aliens borne
in anie part beyond the seas where-soever, being in amity with us, as our
naturall liedge subjects borne in anie our realmes and dominions; and that
all such per-sons soe elected, chosen and admitted to be of the said Companie
as aforesaid shall thereuppon be taken, reputed and held and shalbe free
members of the said Companie and shall have, hold and enjoie all and singuler
freedoms, liberties, franchises, privi-ledges, immunities, benefitts, profitts
and commodities, whatso-ever, to the said Companie in anie sort belonging
or apperteining as fully, freely [and] amplie as anie other adventurer
or ad-venturers now being, or which hereafter att anie time shalbe, of
the said Companie, hath, have, shall, maie, might or ought to have or enjoy
the same to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
And we doe further of our speciall
grace, certaine knowledge and mere mocion, for us, our heires and successors,
give and grantt to the said Tresorer and Companie and their successors,
for ever by theis present, that itt shalbe lawfull and free for them and
their assignes att all and everie time and times here- after, out of anie
our realmes and dominions whatsoever, to take, lead, carry and transport
in and into the said voyage and for and towards the said plantacion of
our said First Collonie in Virginia, all such and soe manie of our loving
subjects or anie other straungers that will become our loving subjects
and live under our allegiance as shall willingly accompanie them in the
said voyage and plantacion; with shipping, armour, weapons, ordinannce,
munition, powder, shott, victualls, and all manner of merchandizes and
wares, and all manner of clothing, imple-ment, furniture, beasts, cattell,
horses, mares, and all other thinges necessarie for the said plantacion
and for their use and defence, and for trade with the people there and
in passing and retourning to and froe, without paying or yealding anie
subsedie, custome or imposicion, either inward or outward, or anie other
dutie to us, our heires or successors, for the same, for the space of seven
yeares from the date of theis present.
And we doe further, for us, our heires
and successors, give and grannt to the said Treasurer and Companie and
their suc-cessors for ever, by theis present, that the said Treasurer of
the said Companie, or his deputie for the time being or anie twoe others
of our said Counsell for the said First Colonie in Virginia for the time
being, shall and maie attall times hereafter and from time to time, have
full power and authoritie to minister and give the oath and oathes of supremacie
and allegiannce, or either of them, to all and every person and persons
which shall, at anie time and times hereafter, goe or passe to the said
Colonie in Virginia:
And further, that itt shalbe likewise
lawfull for the said Tresorer, or his deputy for the time, or anie twoe
others of our said Counsell for the said First Colonie in Virginia, for
the time being, from time to time and att all times hereafter, to minister
such a formall oathe as by their discrescion shalbe reasonably devised,
aswell unto anie person or persons imployed or to be imployed in, for,
or touching the said plantacion for their honest, faithfull and just dischardge
of their service in all such matters as shalbe committed unto them for
the good and benefitt of the said Company, Colonie and plantacion; as alsoe
unto such other person or persons as the said Treasurer or his deputie,
with twoe others of the said Counsell, shall thinke meete for the examina-cion
or clearing of the truith in anie cause whatsoever con-cerninge the said
plantacion or anie business from thence proceeding or there unto proceeding
or thereunto belonging.
And, furthermore, whereas we have
ben certefied that diverse lewde and ill disposed persons, both sailors,
souldiers, artificers, husbandmen, laborers, and others, having received
wages, ap-parrell or other entertainment from the said Company or having
contracted and agreed with the said Companie to goe, to serve, or to be
imployed in the said plantacion of the said First Colonie in Virginia,
have afterwards either withdrawen, hid or concealed themselves, or have
refused to goe thither after they have bin soe entertained and agreed withall;
and that divers and sundry persons allso which have bin sent and imployed
in the said plantacion of the said First Colonie in Virginia at and upon
the chardge of the said Companie, and having there misbehaved themselves
by mutinies, sedition, and other notorious misdemeanors, or having bin
employed or sent abroad by the governor of Virginia or his deputie with
some ship or pinnace for provi-sions for the said Colonie, or for some
discoverie or other buisines and affaires concerning the same, have from
thence most trecherouslie either come back againe and retorned into our
realme of England by stelth or without licence of our Gov-ernor of our
said Colonie in Virginia for the time being, or have bin sent hither as
misdoers and offenders; and that manie allsoe of those persons after their
retourne from thence, having bin questioned by our said Counsell here for
such their misbehaviors and offences, by their insolent and contemptuous
carriage in the presence of our said Counsaile, have shewed little respect
and reverence, either to the place or authoritie in which we have placed
and appointed them; and others, for the colouring of their lewdnes and
misdemeanors committed in Virginia, have endeavored them by most vile and
slanndrous reports made and divulged, aswell of the cuntrie of Virginia
as alsoe of the government and estate of the said plantacion and Colonie,
as much as in them laie, to bring the said voyage and plantacion into disgrace
and contempt; by meanes where of not only the adventures and planters alreadie
ingaged in the said plantacion have bin exceedingly abused and hindred,
and a greate nomber of other our loving and welldisposed subjects otherwise
well affected and inclyning to joine and adventure insoe noble, Christian
and worthie an action have bin discouraged from the same, but allsoe the
utter overthrow and ruine of the said enterprise hath bin greatlie indanngered
which cannott miscarrie without some dishonor to us and our kingdome;
Now, for asmuch as it appeareth unto
us that theis insolences, misdemeanors and abuses, not to be tollerated
in anie civill government, have for the most part growne and proceeded
in-regard of our Counsaile have not anie direct power and authoritie by
anie expresse wordes in our former lettres patent to correct and chastise
such offenders, we therefore, for the more speedy reformacion of soe greate
and enormous abuses and misdemeanors heretofore practised and committed,
and for the preventing of the like hereafter, doe by theis present for
us, our heires and successors, give and grannt to the said Treasurer and
Companie, and their successors for ever, that itt shall and maie be lawfull
for our said Councell for the said First Colonie in Virginia or anie twoe
of them, whereof the said Tresorer or his deputie for the time being to
be allwaies one by warrant under their handes to send for, or cause to
be apprehended, all and every such person and persons who shalbe noted
or accused or found, att anie time or times here after, to offend or misbehave
themselves in anie the offences before mencioned and expressed; and uppon
the examinacion of anie such offender or offendors and just proofe made
by oath taken before the Counsaile of anie such notorious misdemeanors
by them committed as aforesaid; and allsoe uppon anie insolent, contemptuous
or unreverent carriage and misbehavior to or against our said Counsell
shewed or used by anie such person or persons soe called, convented and
apear-ing before them as aforesaid; that in all such cases theie, our said
Counsell or anie twoe of them for the time being, shall and maie have full
power and authoritie either here tO binde them over with good suerties
for their good behaviour and further therein to proceed to all intents
and purposes, as itt is used in other like cases within our realme of England;
or ells att their discrescion to remannd and send back the said offenders
or anie of them unto the said Colonie in Virginia, there to be proceeded
against and punished as the Governor, deputie and Counsell there for the
time being shall thinke meete; or other- wise, according to such lawes
and ordinannces as are or shalbe in use there for the well ordring and
good governement of the said Colonie.
And, for the more effectuall advanncing
of the said plantacion, we doe further, for us, our heires and successors,
of our especiall grace and favour, by vertue of our prorogative royall
and by the assent and consent of the Lordes and others of our Privie Coun-salle,
give and grannte unto the said Tresorer and Companie full power and authoritie,
free leave, libertie and licence to sett forth, errect and publishe one
or more lotterie or lotteries to have continuance and to [endure] and be
held for the space of one whole yeare next after the opening of the same,
and after the end and expiracion of the said terme the said lotterie or
lotteries to continue and be further kept, during our will and pleasure
onely and not otherwise. And yet, nevertheles, we are contented and pleased,
for the good and wellfare of the said plantacion, that the said Tresorer
and Companie shall, for the dispatch and finishing of the said lotterie
or lotteries, have six months warn-inge after the said yeare ended before
our will and pleasure shall, for and on that behalfe, be construed, deemed
and adjudged to be in anie wise altered and determined.
And our further will and pleasure
is that the said lottery or lottaries shall and maie be opened and held
within our cittie of London or in anie other cittie or citties, or ellswheare
within this our realme of England, with such prises, articles, condicions
and limitacions as to them, the said Tresorer and Companie, in their discreascions
shall seeme convenient.
And that itt shall and may be lawfull
to and for the said Tresorer and Companie to ellect and choose receivors,
auditors, surveyors, comissioners, or anie other officers whatsoever, att
their will and pleasure for the better marshalling and guiding and governing
of the said lottarie or lottaryes; and that itt shalbe likewise lawfull
to and for the said Tresorer and anie twoe of the said Counsell to minister
unto all and everie such persons soe ellected and chosen for officers as
aforesaid one or more oathes for their good behaviour, just and true dealing
in and about the lottarie or lottaries to the intent and purpose that none
of our loving subjects, putting in their monies or otherwise adventuring
in the said generall lotterie or lottaries, maie be in anie wise defrauded
and deceived of their said monies or evill and in-directlie dealt withall
in their said adventures.
And we further grannt in manner and
forme aforesaid, that itt shall and maie be lawfull to and for the said
Treasurer and Companie, under the seale of our Counsell for the plantacion,
to publishe or to cause and procure to be published by proclama-cion or
otherwise, the said proclamacion to be made in their name by vertue of
theise present, the said lottarie or lotteries in all citties, townes,
boroughts, throughfaires and other places within our said realme of England;
and we will and commande all mayors, justices of peace, sheriffs, bayliffs,
constables and other our officers and loving subjects whatsoever, that
in noe wise theie hinder or delaie the progresse and proceeding of the
said lottarie or lottaries but be therein and, touching the premisses,
aiding and assisting by all honest, good and lawfull meanes and endevours.
And further our will and pleasure
is that in all questions and dobts that shall arise uppon anie difficultie
of construccion or interpretacion of anie thing conteined in theis or anie
other our former lettres patent the same shalbe taken and interpreted in
most ample and beneficiall manner for the said Tresorer and Companie and
their successors and everie member there of.
And lastly we doe by theis present
retifie and confirme unto the said Treasorer and Companie, and their successors
for ever, all and all manner of priviledges, franchises, liberties, immuni-
ties, preheminences, profitts and commodities whatsoever grannted unto
them in anie our [former] lettres patent and not in theis present revoked,
altered, channged or abridged. Although ex-presse mencion [of the true
yearly value or certainty of the pre-mises, or any of them, or of any other
gift or grant, by us or any of our progenitors or predecessors, to the
aforesaid Tresurer and Company heretofore made, in these Presents is not
made; or any statute, act, ordinance, provisions, proclamation, or restraint,
to the contrary thereof heretofore made, ordained, or provided, or any
other matter, cause, or thing, whatsoever, to the contrary, in any wise,
In witnes whereof [we have caused
these our letters to be made patents.] Wittnes our selfe att Westminster,
the twelveth daie of March [1612] [in the ninth year of our reign of England,
France, and Ireland, and of Scotland the five and fortieth.]