The New 'Public Order': Within
Above, 49 Joseph Baldacchino Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity,
by Charles Taylor.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989. xii+601 pp.
Edmund Burke: The Perennial Political Philosopher,
60 Gregory S. Ahern Edmund Burke: The Enlightenment and Revolution,
by Peter J. Stanlis.
New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1991. 259 pp.
Democratic Chimeras And Unceasing
Discord, 64 Chris Woltermann Carl Schmitt: Politics and Theory, by Paul Edward
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1990. 160 pp. $39.95.
The Return of John C. Calhoun,
67 Anthony Harrigan The Essential Calhoun, edited by Clyde N. Wilson.
New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1992. 436 pp.